In April we visited the Pedro Estate, famous for Lover’s Leap tea.  The estate is located in Nuwara Eliya, also referred to as ‘little England’ due to the colonial bungalows and red post boxes, as well as the misty weather!  It rained almost the whole time we were there, except when we went to explore the tea estate and Lover’s Leap waterfall, where this famous tea gets it’s name.

Highlights included tasting tea while looking out over the gorgeous tea fields and meeting some of the tea pickers.  Different to some tea fields we’ve been to, there was an abundance of other trees and bushes growing throughout the estate, including cypress trees, eucalyptus, and wild mint bushes.  We believe this adds to the unique flavors in the tea!  While chatting with a few of the tea pickers who were on their morning tea break they proudly told us how long they have been working there, how many children they have, and where their children go to school.  Margaret Mary kindly taught us what she is looking for when she is picking tea leaves and showed us how they keep track each day.

Lover's Leap Tea Crate    Lover's Leap at the Pedro Estate in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka classifies their teas by elevation, growing region, and grade.  Lover’s Leap is a high-elevation tea (approx. 6200 ft above sea level) located in the Nuwara Eliya region.  They receive approximately 100 inches of rain each year and the average temperature is 59F.  We carry the Orange Pekoe grade of Lover’s Leap, a true classic!

Lover's Leap at the Pedro Estate in Sri Lanka  Lovely cup of tea at Lover's Leap  Tea factory  

Originally published: September 11, 2018. 

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  • Patrick Kern
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